Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Meet Giovanny

"Personal Name:Giovanny
Information last updated:2/1/2011
US School Grade Equivalent:K
School Performance:Average
    Child is attending school
Family Duties
  • Running errands
  • Cleaning
Hobbies and Sport
  • Soccer/Football
  • Cars
  • Running
  • Father
  • Mother
Natural Parents
Marital status of parents:Were never married
  • Natural parents are together
  • Father is alive
  • Father is living with child
  • Father is supporting child
  • Mother is alive
  • Mother is living with child
Father/Male Guardian other employment:Different Jobs
  • Father/Male Guardian is employed
  • Mother/Female Guardian is unemployed
Typical houses are constructed of cement floors and brick walls. The regional diet consists of chicken, fish, plantains, rice and yucca.

Common health problems in this area include diarrhea, viruses, infections, flu and fevers. Most adults in Sabanagrande work as day laborers and earn the equivalent of $126 per month. This community needs employment opportunities, and recreational facilities.

Your sponsorship allows the staff to provide your sponsored child with Bible teaching, medical and dental checkups, academic support and field trips. The center staff will also provide workshops and conferences for the parents or guardians of your sponsored child."

Aldair was replaced with another child in Colombia.  This is Giovanny.  What a cutie!  I don't know much about him, since he just got put in my account a few days ago.  I am excited to get his first letter soon. =)