Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bragging on Fatuma!

This pretty young woman with the striped shirt just turned 17 years old in August. She is going to school to be a teacher, so she is temporarily living in the UK. The cool thing about her being in the UK is that we can have daily contact via e-mail!! I can't keep up with the e-mails daily, but we usually chat several times a week. Jaden and Morgan (my biological children- for those who do not know), also e-mail her. She has been a real joy in our lives! It is amazing how well you can get to know a person when you can e-mail back and forth constantly (as opposed to the snail mail system that takes months to hear back from a sponsor child).

The one thing that I will miss when she goes back to Tanzania will be the e-mails. Once she returns to her homeland of Tanzania to work, we will be back to the snail mail system =(

Fatuma is doing well in school and in her teacher training. She even returned to Tanzania for a week or two to practice some of her skills there. These photos are pictures of her teaching her class. I just had to show off her pictures and tell everyone what a great teenager she is!! I have not been sharing her e-mails like I do with the letters from sponsor children because with her being so grown up, it would not be appropriate. I know some of you with older children may know what I mean. The younger kids write about silly things and such. The older kids write things that are more personal.

Anyway, I am hoping to get to Zambia within a year or two, and would like to take a road trip on to northern Tanzania to visit with Fatuma. She is such an awesome young woman!

1 comment:

Shay said...

That would be great if you could go for a visit. One of my Bethany penpals keeps asking when I will visit! Fautuma is doing great and I am happy to hear of the correspondence between all of you. Thanks for sharing!!