Child #: 357
Sex: Female
DOB: 7/6/2000
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Manyana with her grandmother, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: washing plates
Health is fair

Child #: 314
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/6/2001
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: orange
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Hi, all!!! I know I have kind of disappeared from my blog duties which is very odd behavior for me. I am still here, but I have been working very hard on everything Child Hope Zambia related. The reason for this is that there are so many children who may not live to see tomorrow without some help. That makes it very hard for me to sleep and hard for me to focus on anything bu them. I guess it is because I see it so directly, instead of from a distance (as I did with CI).
The sponsorship program has launched full force, and there are so many exciting things happening that the sponsors will see soon. Since I don't know if the helpers want to have their names out there, I will keep them anonymous, but I still want to tell you what they have been up to:
1. One person has worked on a spreadsheet that allows us to search by birthday, town, grade, etc. This will make looking for a specific child according to the sponsor's preference VERY easy.
2. That same person has provided details on a merge system that will make sending child letters to the sponsors and any other correspondence super easy!
3. Another person has applied that merge system to give me envelope templates and a child report template!
4. Someone has provided us with a web-site that they are adding items to to get it up and running within a few weeks. Some of the great functions that are expected to happen are tabs for each child that will link to all of the photos and videos that child is in!!
5. Another person has put together letter templates that will be used this year for the children to write to their sponsors. There is a template for every age group and gender, and all 4 seasons!!! (that is 24 templates for this year alone!)
As you can see, I have a great group of folks helping in many ways. There are still others doing other things such as sending items for the children, making items for the children, and offering to help in whichever capacity is needed.
There are some new children on the blog, so check them out here: http://childhopezambia.blogspot.com/
For only $9 a month, what do you have to lose?!
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