Thank you, everyone, who has taken on one or more of the precious children in Uganda!!! The coordinator & director are VERY grateful, as are the children! In fact, as soon as you make your donation, word gets to the children pretty quickly. They are told right away, and imagine their excitement to hear the news that they have a sponsor!!! That someone far away cares about them!! It is not far fetched to say that as their sponsor, you may be the only one who shows them you care!!! Many of the children are orphans. The relatives don't want them, so they pass the child around from relative to neighbor. What's worse is that they are treated as a slave in the home and made to do all of the household chores!! School is their only escape! Now you have given them hope, and, also, soon some sweet letters as well!!
To write to your new child, it is so easy... The address is:
Christian Upliftment Primary School
(Name Of Sponsor Child)
PO Box 32187
Kampala, Uganda
Here are the names of the children that I know were sponsored yesterday and today by the blog readers:
Okwir Alex
Aketowanga Winifred
Natungoza Molly
Kididi Edward
Tunamsangayop Richard
If you sponsored a child, and they are not on the list, make sure to drop me a line. I will add them to the list, so that we can ALL be excited for them!!!
There are still more children available. In fact, all of the children from my post yesterday are still waiting for sponsors. So, take a look back at them, and see if you are able to help. The coordinator wanted me to put in a plug for Nakibule Margaret. Of those children, she is the worst off. Here is what Kate wrote:
"She is doing poorly in school, and her life is extremely difficult. Yet, when I met her this past June, she showed me so much love and kindness. Emotions she has never even been shown from her own relatives! When we went to Didi's world(amusement park), she helped feed one of the younger students who was feeling sick. No one asked her to, but she patiently scooped bite size pieces of posho into the girls mouth. Before she even ate herself."
1 comment:
Margaret now has a sponsor :)
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