Alice was able to send Flora the first special needs donation from our group efforts in February. With the money, Flora was able to purchase:
2 big containers of Nido (nutrional drink)
5 bags of Incaparina (nutrional drink)
2 cans of a liquid supplement similar to Pediasure
1 box of syrup
2 packs of diapers
and a metal frame bed!
In case you don't recognize Flora, she was one of the children in the Blog Action Day slide show. She has spina bifida, and therefore requires the extra items that are listed in her special needs purchases.
Her thank you letter went on to list all of the items that she got and was thankful for. Here it is:
Dear Sponsor:
This letter is to thank you for the special donation that you sent, we received two bottles of nutritional drink, 1 bottle of Kiddy Syrup, 5 bags of Incaparina ( Nutritional Drink) 2 bottles of milk, 2 packages of diapers, 1 metal bed. Flora and family are very happy to receive this help from you, let me tell you that Flora is healthy and getting many blessings from God, she is happy to know that you care about her and also for the donation you sent. Flora says goodbye with hugs.
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