Dear sponsor Heather,
Warm greetings. I hope this letter finds you and your family well. Let me tell you that I'm fine along with my family~ which is my aunt, my grandmother, and my cousins. Congratulations on your new job. Thanks for the cool stickers and Jaden's nice drawing. I am on school break right now, and this weekend we are going to the beach to enjoy the break. Thanks from all my heart for being a wonderful sponsor! I say goodbye with a big hug. Jonathan
Dear sponsor Alice
Your sponsored child greets you wishing you all the best.
She and family are in good health, thank you very much for sending your special letter to her, she is very happy to hear from you.
Flora helps her mom with the chores around the house, sweeping the floor and washing the dishes. She also likes to play with her siblings and watch cartoons.
Flora says goodbye with hugs.

Hello dear sponsor Heather,
It is a pleasure to receive all of your photos that you sent me. The pictures are so beautiful, and I like them so much. I love the pictues that you sent of me, too. I love to play with dolls and draw. I say goodbye with lots of love, Dulce

Hello Heather
I hope that when you receive this letter, you, your husband, and daughters are all well. I received your gifts and I like them a lot. Every day I put on a shirt and pray to God that he fills you and your family with blessings. About me, let me tell you that classes have already started back up, and I hope that my aunt, my grandfather and you will be proud of me. I miss my parents a lot, but my aunt and grandfather do all that is possible to fill that emptiness. I live near some cousins that I play and share my free time with. Sponsor, may God bless you.
16 de abril de 2009
Querida Carolyn,
Me encanta leer tus cartas.
Me encanta leer tus cartas.
Esta dice lo siguiente:
“Hola es un placer escribirle y asi decirle que estoy muy bien. La escuela aqui ya empezo y estos primeros dias me ha ido bien en la escuela. Tambien el clima se ha mejorado y ya no llueve mucho y ya sale el sol. Gracias por escribirme siempre. Yo lo aprecio mucho y me despido y espero su otra carta. Se despide su ahijada, Carolyn.”
Eso dice tu carta. Yo también estoy bien. El clima aquí está bueno, llueve de vez en cuando, pero eso es bueno. Me encantó tu dibujo. Dos árboles con una cerca de alambre de púas, flores, mariposas, nubes y el sol. Por un lado dice “para mi padrino”, y por el centro dice “te quiero mucho”. También escribistes tu nombre. Mi querida Carolyn, yo también te quiero mucho. Ahora me despido y espero tu próxima carta. Te envío un beso y un abrazo bien grandes con esta carta.
April 16, 2009
Dear Carolyn,
I love to read your letters.
This is what your letter said:
"It is a pleasure to write to you and tell you that I am doing well. School has already started here, and classes have gone well for me so far. The weather has gotten better. It hasn't been raining as much, and the sun comes out. Thank you for always writing me. I appreciate you very much. I say goodbye and I wait for your letter. Your sponsored child, Carolyn"
That is what your letter said. I am, also, doing well. The weather here is good; it rains every now and then, but that is a good thing. I loved your drawing. Two trees with one close to barbed wire, flowers, butterflies, clouds, and the sun. On one side it says "For my sponsor" and in the middle it says "I love you very much". You, also, wrote your name. My dear Carolyn, I, also, love you very much. Now, I say goodbye. I wait for your next letter. I send you a kiss and a very big hug with this letter.
Querida Princesita Mía,
¿Cómo estás? Yo estoy bien. Recibí la carta de respuesta de la donación especial que te hice. Veo que te compraron una pelota. Es dec olor rosa con hadas pintadas. Me dicen que te gusta jugar volleyball. Ahora tienes tu propia pelota con qué jugar.
En mi carta anterior te decía que había comenzado un curso dec opywriting. Ayer fue la última clase. Creo que en los próximos días van a anunciar el siguiente curso. Te podría parecer raro que en estos cursos no den notas. Así son.
Me alegra mucho saber que les gustó ir de compras con el donativo especial. Hasta la próxima vez. Siempre que recibo tus cartas, miro a ver si ya la escribistes tú misma. Estoy esperando el momento en que tú misma puedas escribirlas. Cuídate. Efraín
Here is the translation:
Dear Little Princess of mine:
How are you? I'm fine. I received the reply letter from the special gift I sent to you. I see that they bought you a ball. It's pink with fairies painted on it. They tell me that you like to play volleyball. Now you have your own ball to play with.
On my previous letter, I told you that I began a copywriting course. Yesterday was the last class. I think that over the next days they will announce the next course. It might seem weird to you that on these course, they don't give grades to the students. They are that way.
I'm glad to know that you liked to go shopping with my special gift. I look forward for your next letter. Every time that I get a new letter from you, I look whether you wrote it by yourself. I'm looking forward to the time when you write them by yourself. Take care of yourself. Efrain
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