Our last home visit was at Wilson and Axel's house. We drove up and up into the hills on a rutted dirt road. The view out over the valley was breathtaking! The area should have been prime real estate, but the only homes around were tiny and run down. The road to Wilson's house was inaccessible to cars, so we parked where it ended and walked further down. Because it would be too hot to wait out in the sun, the other sponsor kids/parents came to the house with us.
It was immediately evident to Victor and me that this family is needier than Carlos' and Jonathan's (which is good to know). Their house is merely a two-room shack made of wooden slates and sheets of tin. There were kids swarming around everywhere! I never did sort them all out, and learn all their names, but I think I've figured out which 11 actually live in the house + which were visiting relatives.
From what I gathered (and I could be wrong, lol), these are the household members:
Wendy (the mother)
Wendy's mother (the children's grandmother)
Wendy's kids:
Wilson, age 12
Sayda, age 11
Axel, turned 10 just a week after our visit
Soreli, age 7
Baby girl, age 2-ish
Wendy's youngest sister (maybe 14?)
Another of Wendy's sisters (not present)
Wendy's two small nephews by the absent sister
That's it for introducing the family. Next up, our visit to their home …
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