Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Emergency Project Fundraiser #1

The special needs request provided was to start an IGP. Due to the cyclone, the money may be better spent building a new home. I am providing the special needs break down. While the money could be used for the IGP, it will be up to the family (with CI's assistance) to decide what they need the most. $500 will go to the field office in India,who will contact the family and determine their urgent needs. Here is a few paragraphs from Camille (Kanika's sponsor):
The project that Kanika's family would like to start is a rice business. They would purchase rice from a wholesale market and sell the same rice in the retail market. They would require 12.5 quintals of rice to start, which would cost $304.00 and would be very beneficial to the family and enable them to earn an extra $16.00 a month approximately.They also need:1 bicycle1 wooden table2 plastic chairsWhich would cost $100. I think they would be using this to transport the rice and as their vending table. So the total that they need if we were to fund both parts would be $404.00
They currently are 5 people in the household (with no house)- mom, dad, an older sister (4 years older) and a relative. They make $21.00 a month. She is 9 years old and loves school and drawing. She has been warming up and opening up more in her letters- it is sweet. her father is a daily worker and her mother a homemaker. They lost their mud house in the recent flooding 3 weeks ago and are currently displaced and living with relatives in the area. Their house is completely ruined, all of their possessions are gone except for the clothes they were wearing when they had to evacuate their home. Thankfully, they are all safe and healthy but in miserable conditions with all sorts of disease festering in the standing water and mud. They used to get their water from a community pump and the only sanitary facilities are an open field. (Which also contaminates the water now I would imagine...) They are receiving aid from CI and another agency- like all of the people in their area. They fortunately own the land their home was on and have a title to it. It is possible that they can go back and rebuild a stronger structure in the future- which I would like to be able to work towards.
It is so sad because they had been making strides towards a happier, healthier life- I had been able to fund having electricity put in their home so they had light at night (just one bulb), and had purchased furniture and kitchen utensils, pots and pans etc as well as food and clothing and shoes. But it is all gone now. Very sad.

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