Sharick Angelica is 5 1/2. She lives in Colombia with relatives and her 3 siblings on $84 a month!

Karol Julieth is 5 years old. She lives in Colombia with her mother and 2 siblings on $84 a month!

Monica is 6 1/2 years old. She lives with her 2 siblings and relatives in Zambia on $20 a month!

Memory is 8 years old. She lives with her mother and 4 siblings in Zambia on $12 a month!!

Two brothers- Willison (above) is 5 1/2 and his brother Kelvin (below) is 2 1/2. They live together with their parents and one other sibling in Zambia on $30 a month!

Moses is 2 1/2 years old. He lives with his parents and 3 siblings in Zambia on $15 a month!!

Nine year old Njatte lives in Zambia with his parents and 3 siblings on $35 a month!

Brayan Alberto is 5 years old. He, his mother, and 1 sibling live in Mexico on ONLY $95 a month!
I know how hard it is to search through all of the children waiting for sponsors on the CI web-site. I hope to make it a little easier. I found these children to be ones with very low incomes. Whenever I am searching, I always look at that to see how much the family is living on. If you can sponsor any of these children, they can all be found through the regular CI search (but now you have more specific information on how to find them).
Soon, I will post some more children who have special needs, so stay tuned to help them.
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