A post by Barbara regarding her trip to the Dominican Republic in which she threw a party for her sponsor child Crismairy and my two sponsor children Leydi and Dulce:
The day did not start off well! Lissa had kindly offered to arrive
early in order to make a last attempt to purchase the bookcase and the
last two birthday cards but, instead, arrived 40 minutes late. It
should be kept in mind when visiting a country with Spanish roots that
a lingering 'Manana' effect still prevails. Time is very fluid in
such countries, not fixed as in most western countries; so people turn
up either early (rarely) before the appointed time but more often
later. When, I asked the reason for the delay she replied that she
had been organizing someone to bring the music and video camera.
Nothing like leaving things to the last minute! She was accompanied
by a new, but equally burly, driver who carried out the suitcase full
of birthday decorations and loot bags, the books, world globe and the
three Disney birthday bags. The chef and other hotel staff in the
lobby called out their best wishes and bon voyage as we set off.
Our first stop was at a massive and very impressive Ikea outlet. I
have never seen such an huge Ikea packed with the latest of goods and
extremely well organized. It didn't take too long to find a perfectly
sized, white bookcase for Crismairy which was soon ordered and paid
for and our driver packed it into the already full van. We were
already running late so there was no more time to look for the
birthday cards - sorry Heather but I did try hard. As it was we
arrived 15 minutes late due to the congested traffic and rushed upto
the second floor expecting to find everything set up and the children
waiting. But, to both Lissa's and my own astonishment no children had
yet arrived and the party room was empty containing only the long,
empty table and some plastic bags of party goods in one corner. It
was time to take charge so we set to and began trying to turn the
empty unwelcoming room into something more festive!
Fortunately, the driver had arrived carrying the bookcase and globe so
I asked him to bring in the smaller table from the other rooms which I
had him place (after lots of misunderstanding) at one end leaving a
space between the tables in order to be able to take close up photos
of the head table. Lissa had already unpacked the plastic bags and
discovered some colourful plastic tablecloths which we placed on the
two party tables. So, while she sorted out the rest of the party
accessories and read up the party game rules, I laid the longer table
with the birthday plates, serviettes and hats. She then taped up the
two games on the end wall and was joined by Griselda, who was Leydi's
social worker. I next noticed a beaming face with large bright eyes
peeping around the open door whom I immediately recognized as Leydi
whose curiousity had got the better of her. Since she and her party
lived the furthest away from the CI centre they had arrived first and
were patiently waiting outside in the hall before being allowed to
enter the hive of activity. After I introduced myself to Leydi and
her group as the friend of her sponsor, Heather, I returned to the
party room to find Lissa and Griselda busy blowing up the many
balloons. When, they started to feel light-headed I asked Leydi and
her group if they could help out by blowing up some other balloons on
sticks which they did with great gusto.
I then began setting the head table for the three birthday girls
placing the large Disney place mat in the centre and the three
colourful CI made placemates with the names of the girls with
Crismairy in the middle. Birthday plates, etc., were next to be added
and, finally, I placed little glass, heart-shaped photo holders with a
clip in front of each setting; but, instead of a photo I added three
tiny birthday cards. That table finished three large cakes arrived
and were placed on the head table - but how could the children eat
with a huge cake in front of them. And, since it was obvious that
there was no real concept of what I was hoping to achieve and I wanted
everything to be perfect for the three birthday girls I again took
charge of things. I felt like a circus ring-master with the CI staff
being the performers and Lissa being the star!! She was wonderful
rushing from one task to another as I cracked the whip!! I asked for
another table for the birthday cakes to be set up out of the way at
the other end of the hall together with the loot bags and other
gifts. This was soon arranged and then she helped me to tape up the
Happy Birthday Banner behind the head table. Where were the glasses?
- They soon appeared and were placed on the two tables. We need
chairs - they were produced and placed at each table. The snacks need
to be prepared - now Mona appeared, joined by Yolanda and began
helping - done! Yolanda had bought with her Crismairy and Dulce with
their small groups of guests and siblings who must have also been
waiting out in the hallway. The excitement was now palpable both
inside and outside the party room as the hectic preparations were
finalized to make the party room festive looking and ready for the
Crismairy was the first to enter the party room and she certainly made
an entrance - looking quite beautiful in her new party dress and
shoes. She was followed by her little guests and siblings. Sadly, I
learned that her mother would not be coming because she had to rush to
the hospital with baby Dailyn. Also, some other guests on the list
had not been able to attend and their places had been taken by other
guests - but they were boys!! As I was wondering how young boys would
react to the ear-rings in their treat bags Dulce and her group entered
the room. I was so relieved to see her arrive as I had worried that.
because both she and Leydi were suffering life threatening illnesses,
either one or other of them might be feeling too ill to attend the