Monday, February 2, 2009

My connections in the Dominican Republic

This is one of my previously sponsored children (the oldest girl) with her brothers and sister in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. I am VERY fortunate to have a friend that lives there. She went to visit Frankellys and her family back in 2007. She brought her a package full of stuff that I had sent, and she took pictures of the house, family, staff and neighborhood. I was very exciting to see more of the family. In fact, I have the pictures of her opening up the package in her scrap book, so I will post those in a later post.
I would like my friend Alexandra to visit my current children in Santo Domingo (Leydi and Dulce), but it costs a lot of money to do. In order to do what I did with Frankellys, I sent Alexandra a package a month in advance. It had 2 disposible cameras in it plus gifts for Frankellys and her family. The total cost of that was around $100. Then, I had to send Alexandra $150 to cover film developing, taxi fees, and of course, something extra for her time. Since she is unemployed, that helped her out as well.
It was a lot cheaper than a personal visit from me, and Frankellys was just as excited to see a friend of mine come visit her. (at least it seems to me). I would love to be able to go see all of them one day, but in the meantime, this is a cheaper way to do it, it provides work for a Dominican, and I get to see the smiles on their faces!!!

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