Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Mexican Puzzle

Miguel received the electronic toy that Barbara ordered for him during the Summer Reading Program. However, do you see how he is looking puzzled? Strangest thing happened- the field staff said there was, also, a pocket lamp in his package but they would not give it to him. Anyone have any idea what they could be talking about? What is a pocket lamp? The reason they couldn't give it to him is because it had a phone number on it... Which takes us from weird to weirder... What is a pocket lamp, why does it have a phone number on it, and where did it come from? If any one can solve this puzzle, I will have a nice prize for you :o)


Anonymous said...

Pocket lamp would be the translation for flashlight, if you would translate it literally from German to English.
Maybe there was a flashlight in the package and there was a service phone number on it?


Lisa said...

Things that make you go hmmmmmm