Sunday, August 9, 2009

August Fundraiser Update

Project #11B~ Angelito (Tamara)***STILL ACTIVE***
Project #13~ Nsenzeni (Barbara) **STILL ACTIVE**
Project #14~ Jonathan (Heather)
Project #15~ Wilmer (Robyn) ~ The field asked for an extension, so this one may be delayed~ or we may change the fundraiser to help a different sponsor child
Project #16~ Nikhat (Jennifer) (Jennifer, please see my e-mail about this one and send me the break down, photos & write up, so I can set up the page)
Project #17~ Crystal & Gema (Su)
Project #18~ Maila (Steve)
Project #19~ Adriana (Candace)
Project #20~ (Stephanie)
Project #21~ Yamileisy (Dee)
Project #22~ Jerry (Wilfredo)
Project #23~ Joyce (Heather G)
Project #24~ Maria (Holly)
Project #25~ Ariela (Camille)
Project #26~ (Tamara)

I will begin to have 2 fundraisers running simutaneously so that we can get more of these completed. In order to get these taken care of, everyone will need to help with publicity. Summer is a slow time for donations, so this slow down is not unusual. However, the next batch of fundraisrs will have a limit of $300 (starting with project #26), until donations pick back up, that way, we can continue to help many kids and their families. Some of the projects before #26 will be small as well.
Now, I have been told that pictures will be in soon! I don't know if they are pictures of upcoming projects or pictures of completed projects. I know that we should be getting pictures and thank yous for the projects that funded in May very soon, so keep your eye on the blog.
Also, if you have a fundraiser coming up, don't forget to put in your 25% before your project can begin. There are some who have donated more than 25%. That is even better!!! I am playing with some ideas in my head right now to show appreciation for those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty... I will keep you posted when I have something concrete figured out.
Thank you for your continued support and patience!!!

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