Thursday, October 29, 2009

Eclipse and Sharon's Departure

Eclipse and Sharon both children on the far right with their mother who is on the far left

Hello Everyone,
I want to tell you about my two children that I was sponsoring through Children International. Eclipse was my second sponsored child. I started sponsoring him in August 2006. He was only 5 years old. He is from Lusaka, Zambia. He was such a cutie I fell in love with him as soon as I saw his picture. He lived with his mother, 2 brothers and a little sister named Sharon. In August 2008 I wanted to help out his family even more so I contacted CI and asked them if I could sponsor the rest of the kids in Eclipse's family. CI contacted me and told me that Eclipse's sister was able to be sponsored. The older brother was to old and the other brother was already sponsored. So I started sponsoring Sharon. When I started sponsoring Sharon she was also 5 years old. She had such a beautiful smile. It just lit up your heart to see these to darling children. Just in the past couple of months I found out that Eclipse and Sharon's mom passed away. Their father had already passed when I started sponsoring them. Now that their mother passed they have no one to care for them. Relatives stepped up and took them in. I was so happy to hear that they were not alone to fend for themselves. Today, I received a letter from CI and this is what they had to say.
Dear Ms. Robb,
I know your sponsored children, Eclipse and Sharon, mean a great deal to you, and that you want to be informed about their well-being. So, today I'm writing you about some important changes happening in their lives.
Our field office staff reported that since Eclipse and Sharon's mother passed away the kids were left without a caretaker. They recently moved in with relatives who live in a community that is outside of our project area.
Unfortunately, this means they can no longer be a part of the program. I know how upsetting this news must be, but I know to assure you that this move was in the best interest of the children at this sad time in their lives.

It breaks my heart that they have lost both of their parents and then losing their sponsorship. It must be devastating to them right now. I wish I could just hug them and assure them that things will work out for the best. I will miss them deeply. I will miss their beaming smiles the most. As of right now I am not going to sponsor any more children other then what I have now. I have seven more sponsored children and I am going to put my energy into making their lives more productive and happy. Thank you for listening to my goodbye story. Good Bye Eclipse and Sharon, You will be in my prayers. I loved you both. Sincerely, Alice

1 comment:

Mack said...

This is sad, and I hope the very best for Eclipse and Sharon. Judging by photo backdrops, I think they used the same community center as my girl, Mercy.

Events like this sadly remind us that as much as we love our sponsor kids, they aren't truly "ours". Still, I'm glad I am able to "borrow" mine for as long as I'm able!
