Wednesday, October 21, 2009

For Jonathan's Fundraiser

In an attempt to help Jonathan's fundraiser, I have come up something. I was getting my supplies ready for the class I teach on Fridays, and I came across some beads that I never used (but had intended to). It gave me an idea, and Jaden, Morgan & I worked on putting 4 of them together tonight. The top two bracelets are bracelets that I made, and the middle picture is Morgan's bracelet that she made. Jaden made hers, and it is the bottom picture. If you look at the top picture, the bracelets look small, but they actually fit a child up to about 10 years old. I made another bracelet, but my husband is wearing it and he is unavailable for a picture :0) However, the bracelets can be made for the range of baby size on up to adult. I have to purchase some more letter beads because I am already out of the letter "E".

So, here is my idea... As soon as I know the proper spelling of my Ugandan girls names, I will send them each a bracelet. The top two bracelets I have made for my two CI girls (Leydi & Dulce). My idea is this, it won't be anything extra for me to put some more bracelets in the Ugandan box to ship, and if I am already sending a box to some of the CI places, I can fit the bracelets in those packages, too. If you would like me or the girls to make one for your kids, they are 50 cents each, and the money can be donated directly to Jonathan's fundraiser. There are no shipping costs, unless you want me to ship them to a place that I am not already shipping to (your house for example). However, the bracelets don't weigh much, so the cost of shipping won't be much. So, if we can sell 100 of these bracelets, Jonathan's fundraiser will be $50 closer to completion!

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