Look at these faces!!!! These are only a batch of pictures that I have in front of me that are for the children waiting for their turn in the fundraising line!!! Every child has a story to pull at your heart-strings. It is difficult right now as we try to get through this slow time for donations.
Each one of these families has special & urgent needs. I am glad that they will each get a chance. There are still several requests waiting for responses from the field. If your name is on this list, and you have the SNQuote & pics back from CI, please forward them ASAP. I need to set up the pages for these:
Su (I need the pics only)
OK... Now, based on the list of ones we are waiting for responses for, I am pretty sure some of there kids on this blog will get their fundraisers bumped up. We already have a lot of kids waiting for our help (as you can see), so hopefully, we will get the other responses soon.
I will start project #14 on October 1st, and we will just keep plugging along on these fundraisers. The key is to never forget WHY we are doing what we are doing!!!
I have such a unique "job" (albeit un-paid). I get to know each one of these children as I set up their pages, look at their pictures, and hear about them from their sponsors. I feel like I have 50 sponsor kids all to myself!!!! I am so grateful that all of you have chosen to share your experiences, love, devotion, and monetary contributions with the group.
Together we are changing lives, one child at a time!!
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