Friday, August 14, 2009

Joyce's 12th Birthday

Heather G provided a birthday party to her sponsor child Joyce in the Phillippines. This is Joyce's thank you letter:
Dear Sponsor,

Greetings to you and to your family.. I hope you are always fine. Me and my family are fine too.
Thank you so much for sending money for my birthday party. I was so happy and it was a lot of fun! there more games for the children and me and my friends danced during the party. I also have a lot of candies which i gave to the children. I also received your gift for my birthday, it was shoes and dress. I know i can never have the beautiful birthday party i had on my birthday if not because of your generosity.
Thank you so much because you make me so much happier on my birthday.


1 comment:

Mack said...

Wow! That looks fun! Money for a birthday party is a great idea.