According to Connor, who knows such things, the Nike shoes in the Honduras mall were only slightly less expensive than they would have been in the States. Like $50, instead of $70 a pair. I don't know how much exactly, since I was afraid to do the math! All I know is that we kept a couple of sales girls VERY busy for 20 minutes!
Victor's Thoughts: We wound up in the Nike store because we wanted to buy them something. We'd brought them to a mall, so of course we wanted to shop! The moms at first were reluctant; we had brought so much with us for the boys already, it seemed they thought that it didn't seem fair to ask for more. But of course, we wanted to buy more, so they agreed that a pair of shoes would be nice as that was one thing we had not been able to bring. I'm not surprised that the shoes were not that much cheaper than in the US, as they are imported but I imagine the kids will be quite proud to wear them. I let the staff of the store earn their salaries; at least they knew at the end of it all, they'd have a nice sale. I didn't hurry the boys because I wanted them to get the full experience of shopping and being able to chose the pair that they really wanted. It occurred to me that they should get socks, too, so I suggested that to the translator to make sure the boys got some. Carlos wanted to wear his shoes home, but his Mom quite firmly told him no.
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