I told you I would tell you about this cute little guy... This is what happened on my end. I looked over at my Merry Christmas message on the Google Group, and saw Lisa's post. She had posted that her mother passed away right before Christmas. I posted that I was sorry to hear of her loss, and if there was anything I could do to let me know.
Then, Lisa e-mailed me directly. She wasn't asking for any help (but any one who knows me knows that I help even when my help isn't requested! LOL!). She told me that she decided to sponsor another child, but she wanted one with the same birthday as her mother. I told her I would keep my eye out for one with the Jan 2nd birthday. That is when she told me that she had already looked through all of the kids' profiles on the web-site, and none of them had that birthday!! That means she looked through close to 1500 profiles!!! Talk about dedication.
Since she had already looked on the web-site, I knew it would be a waste to scroll through the profiles (and VERY dangerous because I would hate to find one that was calling my name! LOL!!!) I e-mailed Greg at CI and told him what was going on. I asked if he knew of any child available with that birth date. Five minutes later, I had this picture in my inbox!!!
I forwarded the info to Lisa. She was so excited! Now she had a child in time to honor her mother on her birthday, and a little something to help in the healing process!
Here is what Lisa said:
On December 22, 2009 I lost my mother unexpectantly.This was the hardest day, probably of my life, as we were very close.
A couple days later I was thinking about how I would like to do something special in her honor. Since Children International is my newest passion I thought what better way to sponsor another child in her honor.
And if I could find a child that shared her birthday it would be even more special.
With help from Heather and Greg (from CI) I added little Brayan to my family.
He turns three years old today, January 2nd, the same day my mom would have turned 63. Brayan lives in Colombia with his mother, step father, 2 sisters and brother.
I look forward to getting to know this little guy and watching him grow up.
He will always hold a special place in my heart. I know he will have a special angel up in heaven looking down and protecting him.
Happy Birthday to both Brayan and my mom. Thank you again Heather, I am so happy to have Brayan now in my sponsor family!
What a touching story and what an adorable child. I am sure that Brayan will, indeed, be a very special child to you and that you will make him very happy as well. I also sponsored Eloina in my mother's honour and know how special that bond can be. I do hope that this new relationship will help ease your loss.
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