I went to my doorstep this evening, & I found a big package waiting for me. I brought it inside, and took a peek. Inside were 10 beautiful princesses!!! Jaden and Morgan were "oooohhhh"ing and "aaaawwww"ing behind me. I know this small picture makes the dolls hard to see, but trust me they are gorgeous!
Sara S. made a donation to our web store! These dolls are dolls she has provided free of charge! That means that when you purchase them at the web store for $10, this is where you money will go:
$2 will cover the cost of shipping to get the doll to any of CI's community centers (at the regular time the country's packages are scheduled to be shipped)
$8 will go to the current fundraisers
Which means, we have $80 for the fundraisers just sitting there waiting for some one to grab it! If you would like to send one of these dolls to your CI sponsor child, act quickly. Once they are gone, they are gone! Here is the link
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Sara, for your generous donation!!!
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