Friday, January 22, 2010

Help for Haiti Part 6

Jolanda Geffrad, age 7

Dalinx Bernadin, age 11
Djouvensly Joseph, age 7
Ansley-Donald Louis, age 5
Eneitgh Charles, age 6
Wilkenson Lazarre, age 6
Luckenson Nicolas, age 7
Johnverly Alexis, age 8
Fiselande Jean, age 9
Julnise Jean, age 9
Wilgens Cador, age 9
Rica Francois, age 10
Dalandy Geffrad, age 11
Fadelin Louis, age 11
Chedeline Joseph, age 12
Gregory Daniel, age 13

Fritznel Blaise, age 14
*pictures removed because most of them now have sponsors!!

All of the children shown above attend school in Danda. Today I am looking for sponsors especially for the children of Danda. Some time next week, I will be launching the plan for those who do take on children from Danda.

The Danda program through His Hands for Haiti began in October 2006. According to their web-site, 71 children were added to the sponsorship program at that time. There are currently approximately 300 children attending the primary school there now.

This is taken directly from their web-site, and gives you more information about the special children of Danda, and what their community is like:

"Danda (which means "Silly People") is a small community of approximately 1,000 people 18 kilometers from Terrier Rouge in a very remote, very rural area that feels like the end of the earth. There are 14 smaller "habitations" in the area surrounding Danda and the combined population of all these areas is approximately 4,000 to 5,000 people.

Because Danda is a very rural area, most of the people survive as subsistence farmers. Pastor Elima arranges for agronomists to come to Danda twice a year to help instruct the people on more modern and successful ways of growing their own food.

Another one of the ministries of the Danda Baptist Church is their clinic. This clinic, which has been operating for 10 years, is open to see patients Monday through Friday, with 3 nurses, a lab technician, pharmacists, and other support staff including someone from the church to counsel and pray with any patients who wish to have this type of assistance. Because this clinic is the only health care facility in the area, they see approximately 60 patients a day which helps make the clinic fully self-supported."

Now, I would like to add a little bit to what you just read. It is estimated that in Haiti, there is 1 doctor for every 10,000 people!!! In the US, it is approximately 1 doctor to every 350! How cool is it that the people in Danda have been provided with a clinic!? Considering the statistics, they are very fortunate to have this service.

Also, because they are farmers, they are able to grow their own food! How cool is it that they have agronomists that come to help the farmers twice a year to make their crops more successful?! The, also have a mill where the families can take their corn to be ground into cornmeal!

Here is the super-awesome thing that I have planned for next week. Once every one has a chance to grab a child from Danda, send me an e-mail letting me know who you chose. I will get a list of all of the Danda children sponsored by people in our group. THEN, I have some items that were donated (and just arrived today!) to be sold. The person who donated the items would like to proceeds to help the children in Haiti. I will set up the items for sell. The proceeds of the sell will go to provide each Danda family our group sponsors with a goat!!!

The goat will provide the families with security. How? Well, they can sell the milk, cheese, and other items that come from their goat. They can, also, feed their own families!! Plus, the babies will provide continued income, food, and a sense of prosperity.

The program, unfortunately, is only offered in Danda, so that is why I am being community specific with this plan.

Take a look at the children, and let me know which ones you choose/have already chosen in Danda. They will then be put on the list to get a goat!

Once your child is chosen, send an e-mail to

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