Le estoy muy agradecida por haber elegido a Leydi como su niña apadrinada. Quien le escribe es Augustina la prima de Leydi. Ella es una niña muy educada. Le gusta jugar con su muñeca y con sus amiguitas. Se despide de Ud. ~ Augustina, la prima de Leydi
(I am very grateful that you chose Leydi as your sponsored child. The person who is writing to you is Augustina, Leydi's cousin. She is very polite. She likes to play with her doll and her little friends. I say goodbye~ Augustina, Leydi's cousin
*She listed her favorite colors as red, pink, yellow, and orange. The characteristics that she has are: quiet, playful, obedient, and loving
Coming soon, I am going to give more details about each child, so that I can have their info all on one blog... Stay tuned!
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