I know there is a lot going on, so I am just requesting simple feedback for a few things:
1. I have heard from a few of you that you are ready for your Summer Reading Packages to be shipped. I haven't received any orders in the past week. Is everyone done ordering? Is everyone ok with the Philippines' packages being shipped by the middle of February?
2. No one has ordered any beanie babies (except for two people who told me weeks ago they wanted one). Do you have a paricular reason for not buying the beanie babies? Please let me know because I can't correct anything that I don't know about.
3. I am getting photographs of individual items of what the MIC group is selling. If you would like to pre-order in order to help us fund the items' shipment, and get money to the women for food, you can. I will set it up on the MIC site tonight. This is what is available (these prices are for the pre-sale items only, as the prices will go up once we get them on World of Good):
Three-strand beaded necklace~ $18
One-strand long necklace~ $14
One-strand short necklace~ $11
Small doll~ $15
Aprons~ $15
Check the MIC site around 3PM CST to order.
4. Do you have any more feedback to provide?
Thanks in advance for your opinion!
Hi Heather!
My responses to your questions:
1 - I am done ordering for packages and have no problem with the Philippines package going out in February.
2 - I have not ordered beanie babies yet due to lack of funds. I love beanie babies and I think they are a great thing to have in the packages. If I get some funds I may add to what I have already bought for the kids.
4 - This is a minor detail and super picky. Looking at the banner/introduction to the blog, the "either" in "This blog is not owned nor is it run by either organization" sentence is no longer grammatically accurate. Maybe it should be "any of these" or something? (I know NOTHING about blogging, so this may not be easy to fix -- if it's a hassle it's definitely not a big deal).
Thanks for all the work you are doing!
Hi Heather!
My responses:
1. Doesn't apply to me!
2. Same as Sara....lack of funds. Although I may have a very little amount later, I may purchase one :-) I too love beanie babies though and am sure the kids will love them.
3. Again I don't have the funds to contribute. I absolutely love the concept but with all my CI kids my first priority is getting the things they need funded :-)
4. Nothing else really, you do a GREAT job and are always willing to help all of us!
I think alot of us are just financially tapped out. And it is hard to come up with funds to help all these other kids in addition to our CI kids :-( I am hoping my situation changes though and I can do more.
I am not done ordering for my kids packages.. was hoping to do it on monday, the first, when i get paid. but, if thats cool I will do it and have no issues with the packages going out early, one less thing on the table to worry about and focus on
i donated the beanie babies, so i probably wont order them.. but i do know i have sent a few in packages earlier to my kids before, and several have told me they sleep with them at night and love them so i encourage all who can to send one.. shipping in a group makes it much cheaper!
I like the presale idea for the necklaces and stuff. I do agree too that there are so many projects going on, 3 at a time for the google group, haiti stuff, CUS, and now this other thing.. too many things at once. I know they are all important, but there are just too many to stretch my money around to, especially just days before payday.
My 2 cents worth -
1. Doesn't apply
2. I intend to order a beanie baby (the snake - so none of y'all better take it first!), but I must wait until my February paycheck. But, before I ask you to send things to my kids, I want to make sure that you aren't getting screwed on the postage. I know that if not enough people are able to order, you won't make enough extra to cover shipping.
3. I've forgotten the question.
4. I agree that this is getting to be too much and we're all tapped out of funds! Heather, you MUST promise not to find any more great causes for us to support! Right now, my focus of my energy/money is going to veer away from my CI kids, I think, and settle on Haiti and Uganda, where the need is so much greater. Too bad, since CI is so much more "fun" with the reliability of letters and photos :-(
lack of fund. I iwsh I could order more to help out. but we are all max with cards Jack' going to k**** me.
No. 7 Don Pio Street, Don Enrique Heights
Commonwealth Ave., Quezon City, 1100 Philippines
This is the address for my child Casleyn and Angel
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