I hope this letter find you in good healthin union with your family. I thank you for the gifts you sent Diego. We received 1 card, 1 pair of gloves (thanks, Mack!), 5 shirts, 1 flashlight, 1 key ring, 1 sharpener, 6 toy cars, & coloring sheets. We will always be thankful for all that you've done for Diego. We like your support. We hope that Diego continues to do well in school.
With the hope of writing you soon, Alejandra says good-bye
(package sent 12/18/08, arrived 1/19/09, delivered to Diego 1/28/09, thank you letter received 3/10/09)
On another note about the bed fundraiser. Beds are still needed for 3 children with HIV/AIDS. Diego, Jonathan & Leydi are all in line to receive a bed. A donor contacted Children International when he/she saw Jaden's story. That donor said that they wanted to help her with her fundraiser. That was 2 weeks ago, and I haven't heard a word from the donor. So, I think she is on her own (well, she has my help, too, of course). The Wiggles shirts are now not selling at all. All of the auctions that I set up are ending without any bids. So now I have merchandise, and need to have a bright idea to get this money raised. I lowered the price on the shirts, but it hasn't made a difference. Does any one have any ideas? She is still collecting coins, also, but that is a lot slower than the shirt selling... Except now, maybe it isn't slower. She may be more profitable that way. I don't want to get too down about it because Jaden set this goal up, and at the time (to me) it seemed unreachable... But, I didn't want her to know my feelings, so I just went with it full-force trying to help her reach her goal. ANY ideas you all can provide are greatly appreciated!!!
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