Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jonathan is on his way to a new BED!!!

The money for Jonathan's bed was sent this morning. I can't wait to see how it will look when he gets it!!! Thank you Robyn for your donation to the bed fund!!! The Wiggles shirts are not selling well at all, and so the sales are going in a negative direction (The Ebay fees are taking away the profit). Luckily, it was my turn the funraiser rotation, so I was able to pick up money from that to make up for the negative return on Ebay. Hopefully, the Wiggles shirts will sell better in the summer (as well as the other things that I usually sell at that time)... Now, about the bed. I sent Jonathan a note to go with the donation. It goes like this:

Querido Jonathan,
Te mando el dinero para comprarte una cama nueva. Espero que la cama que compres, te haga sentir mejor de salud. Me gustan muchisimo tus cartas y fotos. Peinso en ti y en tu abuelita cada dia. Merecen lo mejor de todo en la vida. Los quiero mucho. Por favor, darle un beso y abrazote a tu abuela para me. Besos y abrazos para ti tambien.
Con amor y carino,

(Dear Jonathan,
I am sending you the money to buy your new bed. I hope that the bed make you feel better. I love your letters and photos. I think about you and your grandmother every day. You deserve the best of everything in life. I love you both very much. Please give your grandmother a kiss and a big hug. Kisses and hugs to you, too.
With love and affection,


Su said...

WOW! That's so nice! :)

How did you send the note? Through CI site?

Robyn said...

That is so great!! Yay! :D

Mack said...

Hooray for Jonathan!

PS: Thanks for posting your Spanish letter/translation to him. Now I can "steal" bits of it to include when I write to my own boys :-)