Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Donations by Make a Change!

I have done the calculations, and here is where we stand:


That is our total in donations for 2009! (If other donations come in before the day ends here on my end of the world, I will update the amount on this post accordingly).

Thank you to all who have donated your money, time, hearts, and prayers to this group! You all are an amazing team!

On another side note, I have been looking into everyone's ideas and thoughts to make 2010 even more wonderful for our children. Chrystal had mention the microenterprise support that CI gives. It was a hope that maybe we could give $300 of the IGP to the families, and CI could help with the difference. However, CI does not actually give the monetary support, but rather the emotional support & financial/business planning expertise.

That being said, this is what else the CI rep had to say about our group:

"I completely understand your dilemma in raising funds for large projects, and want to commend you for all your hard work in organizing the fundraisers. I know it is time consuming, and what you and the group have accomplished this year is amazing, and shows a true dedication to the children in our care!"

As you can see, you are making a difference, and CI is appreciative of what you have done!

Thank you! THANK you! THANK YOU!!!!

Have a great 2010!!!

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