Chrystal Torres! Not only did Chrystal get the bilingual laptop, but she, also, got the prize of her choice! Can't wait to see what she chooses!
Today's raffle raised $317 for the orphaned children in Zambia!!! That means, there is still a possibility of providing them with a home!!! Very exciting news!
Thank you to all who donated!! Imagine the surprise on the kids' faces when they get news they will be getting a home of their own! Of course, I am jumping ahead of myself... There is still over $2,000 to raise, but I am more confident that we can come pretty darn close... And if we can come close, I am sure there is some spare change we can scrounge up to fill in the gap at the end.
You can still donate to the fundraiser even though the raffle is over. Stay tuned for Su's raffle tomorrow straight from Portugal! Only 3 days of raffles left.
Do you all like the raffles? Leave a comment and let me know what you think.
I enjoy the raffles. I think for any future raffles, maybe they can be spread out more, instead of one everyday. This way those that get paid from work bi-weekly can afford to donate. Just an idea. Also, I enjoy the gift card/cash as raffles. Maybe we can raffle tickets for the movies or gift cards to a particular restaurant, or a gift that can be sent to your sponsored child (like a gift basket with goodies) (like this idea the most). I think this idea would get more involved. Winning a gift to send to their CI child.
Awwww, the video is sooo cute. Thanks guys. =o)
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