The dolls are all a medium tone with brown eyes and come in 3 different outfit choices- dark pink, light pink, and light purple.

The mini Play-Doh Factory comes with 2 tubs of Play-Doh (green and orange) and a Play-Doh shaper

Below are a few of the styles of hot wheel cars available:

Some new small items have been added to the Make a Change Store. These items are toys you can purchase that will be shipped directly to your sponsor child/children! The first packages are going to Cartagena & Barranquilla, Colombia. If you would like to send your child any of these items (they will be included with the Summer Reading Package), please go to the web-store and purchase from there:
http://makeachangemac.webs.com/apps/webstore/ Once the orders are collected, this is what happens on my end as an example:
The Hot Wheels car was bought for $4 on the web-site,
I buy the Hot Wheels car that is needed for $1.08
I pay for the shipping to the community center (If we have enough people participating, the actual shipping cost for this item will not be so high because it will be shipping with other things...) So, as an example case scenario, the shipping cost for this item is $2
The profit for this item would be $.92.
The profit is then disbursed into the current fundraiser under the sponsor's name.
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