Monday, November 30, 2009

First Annual 12 Days of Christmas Raffle-thon!

Welcome to the first ever 12 Days of Christmas Raffle-thon!!! If this is your first time visiting us, please take a look around our blog and web-site and see what we have been up to. It has been a productive year, and we have already made a big difference in the lives of several children and their families. We hope to continue to make a difference and help many more children and their families.

Our first fundraising project was started in April 2009. We raised funds for Janet in Zambia. She needed money to continue school, a bed, and food.

Since April 2009, we have completed 16 fundraising projects!! That means 16 surprised children and their families have the things they needed to make their lives better. We are now hoping to complete a few more before the year is out. Some of these fundraisers are quite close to completion. Imagine if we could help a total of 20 this year (in only 9 months time)!

This is a breakdown of how we plan to make a monetary dent in these fundraisers:

Dec.1 will be the first raffle. The raffle will cost $1 to enter, and the more you donate the more chances you have to win. $1 = 1 raffle ticket. The raffle will start at the beginning of the day and will run until midnight (CST) of the same day. You will know if you won by the next morning.
So, how do you enter the raffle? Well, each day is a different raffle that benefits a different child’s fundraiser. Pay close attention to the link that will be provided for the raffle each day. The raffle tickets must be purchased by donating to the FirstGiving page provided in the day’s post. When you purchase your tickets, leave a comment- in the “comments” section, put in the e-mail address you want to be contacted at if you win.

So, go ahead, a lay your head down for the night. Make sure you are back here tomorrow, Dec. 1st for the first raffle. (or you can go ahead and take a sneak peek at the web-site: )

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