Friday, November 13, 2009

Ugandan Christmas Package has been SHIPPED!

The Ugandan Christian Upliftment Primary School in Kampala, will soon be receiving a package!!! With all of the items I previously posted about (books, calendars, balloons, & Christmas cards), and then, all of the items shown above, the package is GiGaNtIc! It weighed in at 9 pounds and 4 ounces! Everything was firmly packed into a medium priority flat rate box, and there was not a space left for anything else!!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for helping Jonathan!!! This big package proves the help he has gotten in the past month. Stay tuned for pictures from Hellen when the package arrives! Don't expect the pictures until December some time, but I do hope they get these items in time for Christmas! Based on USPS, the package should arrive in 6 to 10 business days.

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