Thursday, October 1, 2009

Don't forget about the Magazine Fundraiser!

If you are wanting a magazine, don't forget to use the link in the upper right hand corner of this blog. September was the first month for the fundraiser, and we have raised almost $69!!! The check should be coming in the mail shortly, and when it does, here are how the funds will be disbursed:
$15.60 will go to Dee's fundraiser that is coming up (for magazines that Dee bought)
$13.60 will go to Heather's fundraiser for Jonathan (for magazines that Heather bought)
$39.60 will be evenly distrubuted to the fundraisers going on at the time the check arrives (for magazines that Barney bought-someone that Alice e-mailed the link to- unless Alice has a specific fundraiser she wants to put it toward)

Grand total for September= $68.80!!!

I have had a couple of people say that they can get the magazines for a few dollars cheaper somewhere else. In some cases that is true. When you take into account that about 40% of the price goes to our fundraisers, it is worth paying a couple extra dollars to me. For example, the magazine subscription I bout was $34. I think I may have seen it on another site for $30... BUT, out of the $34, Jonathan will get $13.60!!! That is money will spent to me since I wanted the magazine anyway, and every little bit helps the fundraisers get completed.

Now, with the holidays coming up, why not consider sending a magazine subscription to the people on your list? It is a gift they can enjoy all year long!!! I plan to get my neices and nephew some of the children's magazines. "High Five" is a magazine that my girls get, and they LOVE it!! It has stories, games, crafts, etc. You can find a magazine that fits everyone on your list, and the profit will go to your fundriaser or whichever fundraiser you would like it to go to!

Thank you for participating in this program and helping the kids and their families!!! It is GREATLY appreciated!!!

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