1) Simbwa Henry (Now sponsored by Heather!) He is in baby class and is 4 years old. His favorite thing to do is play soccer.He lives with his parents, who are too poor to pay for his school supplies. They work in the stone quarry, breaking rocks all day long for under $1/day. His ambition is to become a lawyer.
2)Sponsored by someone not in the group
3)Sponsored by someone not in the group
4)Akenda Joshua (Now sponsored by Heather!) is a 5 year old boy who is in baby class in nursery. He is a silly boy who loves to draw when given the chance. He lives with both his parents who are extremely poor and cannot buy him any of the supplies he needs for school. He has just recently joined the school, and his parents where very happy to learn that he would be on the waiting list to receive a sponsor. His ambition is to become a doctor.
5)Iga Marrine (Now sponsored by Heather) is a 5 year old girl who is absolutely adorable. She is in baby class in nursery where she is always eager to learn and is enthusiastic in the classroom. She would like to become a doctor when she grows up, and her favorite game is to play hide n seek.
6)Mulidwa Reagon (Now sponsored by Heather!), is a 6 year old boy who loves to play soccer. He has both of his parents who he lives with, but has not always lived with them for unclear reasons. His ambition is to become an engineer when he grows up.
7)Sponsored by someone not part of this group.
Top of the row from the left:
8)Nabiryo Sharon (Sponsored by Alice!) is a preciouse little girl in P.2 where she is studying hard, and proving to be one of the top students in her class! She comes from a very unstable household and is constantly surronded by alcoholics. It is amazing how resilient this young girl is already. Her ambition is to become a doctor. She likes to play with dolls, and like to laugh.
9) Nakibule Margaret (sponsored by Dana!) is in P.1 and is 10 years old. She loves to dance, and her favorite game is hide and seek. She is a complete orphan, and she does not have a stable home. She is passed around from relative to neighbours. Her ambition is to become a pilot.
10)Nuwamanya Daniel (Now sponsored by Heather!) is a 10 year old boy studying in P.1 He says he has plenty of favortie hobbies which include; soccer, singing, skipping, and playing hide n seek! He would like to become a doctor when he grows up.
11) Onyango Erny (Sponsored by Alice!) is a 6 year old boy in P.1(we beleive his real age to be closer to 8, although his parents are not aware of his DOB) It is easy for him to make people laugh and he is a favorite with his peers and teachers. His favorite hobbies include playing with dolls and eating! He would like to study hard so that he could become an engineer when he grows up.
12)Nakafero Joan (sponsored by Alice), is a 6 year old girls in P.1. She has a younger sister in the school who she is very close with. Joan loves to play with doll and play hide n seek. her family is very desperate, and the mother often resorts to begging. Joan and her siblings are often sick, but never get proper medical care. Her ambition is to become an engineer when she grows up.
Bottom row on the far left is the only one in this group that I sponsor:
Tamebaze Joshua is 12 years old and in P.3. He has been waiting a long time for a sponsor. He likes to play soccer and Hide & seek.
So, that is the list of my new Ugandan kids. I am anxious to get to know them. Since this school is a grass roots organization/school and not some huge international non-profit, it is can not do things on the level of a big organization. For example, we are all only paying $3 a month for sponsorship per child, so we can't expect weekly letters (obviously). The school is running on very limited funds. However, I don't think monthly or bi-monthly letters should be out of the question, especially if the school gets someone to take care of the postage fees for them.
Kate has stated that they can now guarentee 3 photos per child per year because Hellen now has a camera with which to take photos. However, there are exceptions to the 3 photos rule, which I will get to in another post.
Kate will be visiting the school next summer for 2 months. At that time, we should receive lots of photos and updates. We can, also, send items for the children through her if we want.
***On another note- I know you can't tell this, but I have very limited internet access right now. I have to travel to a wi-fi spot to pick up a connection, and can only be in that spot for an hour or so before I have to hop back home. The amazing thing is how much I can get done in a short amount of time without kids crawling on my back or husbands (I only have one, I guess that shouldn't be plural- LOL!!) interrupting my train of thought...
So, until next time...
so are they any more children up for sponsorship? how do you pay the sponsorship fee. Mcard/Vcard, cheque?
My child, Okello Jeremaiah, is the boy wearing a red shirt. I've been sponsoring him since July.
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