Some of you have asked how you can help Paola and her family... We did a group donation petition to buy some small things for the family about 2 months ago or so. Some in the group did not get a chance to participate in that round of donations, but now you can help!!! There are only 2 things left on the special needs request from the family - a drain connection and a bathroom. The family is in great need of a place to store their clothes and keep them clean as well. Here is the petition for this new fundraiser:
drain connection $175
chest of drawers/storage for the clothes $100
Total needed: $275
Those of you who were not able to donate before, or those who would like to help again, I will be starting a firstgiving page just for this project. This FirstGiving page is just being set up to help up see how much money has been donated and how much money is still needed. Last time, we just donated directly through Paola's account/PayPal, but it was so much harder to manage. This will make it simpler. Those of you who sponsor Paola/Tomasa and want to help, here is the page:
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