I want to thank you for your beautiful gifts which you sent me. I got 1 skirt, 1 pair of tennis shoes, 1 raincoat, 3 panties, 2 pairs of socks, 1 purse, 1 bracelt, 1 set of nails, 15 photos, 2 postcards and 1 questionnaire.
Dear sponsor let me tell you that I am learning a lot in my swimming lessons. I am so happy to have learned how to swim as well as how to swim under water and backwards. I am doing well in my schooling. Let me tell you that next September 15th (Independence Day) I will play an instrument in my school band. I will send you a photo. Thank you very much for your photos that you sent to me. You look to be in good health and that makes me feel very happy.
My family and I are in good health, but we are sad because my maternal grandfather passed away due to an accident. I always showed him your photos as well and told him about you. He always said that you are a very kind and generous person and that I should pray for your health and good future. Luisa, Anita and Fernandito send you many hugs and we are very happy to tell you that in September our parents will get married in a Catholic Church.
Take good care of yourself. I say goodbye to you with so much love. Your sponsored child who loves you very much and who hopes that God will bless you forever.
Marelyn Magdalena'
What a lovely letter!
I have been reading your blog for the last week, and really enjoy it.
I just started sponsoring a child in Colombia (and also donated to help Diego through AH). I am Colombian but live in Miami.
I have a few questions that maybe you can guide me in the right direction.
CI says on their site the following:
* They recommend only writing 2 times a year, to me that sounds like too few times. I would like to stay in better touch with my sponsor kid. From your experience, how often is good to write? How long?
* Also, I speak spanish, is it ok to write directly in spanish even though CI will not understand what I'm writing?
* I would like to send him a package for his bday in December but CI says they don't want you to do this, they prefer you do a "special donation" and they will buy them things. How do you send packages to your kids?
Thank you so much for all your help and advice.
Hi Eliana
I hope you receive this because I do not have much luck in posting things.
To answer your queries in brief. CI's guidelines are just that only guidelines. I think one page once every month or two months. Because I now have ten kids I can only manage once every two months.
I am sure writing in Spanish would be great since it saves CI from having to translate your letter.
It is perfectly O.K. to send things by mail. First obtain the correct address from CI for their local office where you would send any direct packages. Remember, to write your child's full name, ID and Child ID as well. On the customs form where it mentions contents just list them and add for a Sponsored Child. Then in the Value are mark NCV for No commercial value and tick the gift box. Normally, that would be fine but I understand that things do get lost or stolen in Columbia so I wouldn't send too much the first time.
I hope this helps
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