Monday, October 19, 2009

Drum Roll Please!>>>

We have a winner! Alice won a movie ticket! You can win, too. This is all you need to do:

1. Send an e-mail to at least 12 friends about our magazine fundraiser (you have to do this from the fundraising site)
2. Sell at least one magazine

That's all it takes! Alice sent 48 e-mails, and was able to get 4 subscriptions!!! The money from her efforts will be coming this week & be distributed as she requested. Dee & I bought subscriptions, so we will get funds for our own fundraisers as well. However, Dee & I did not win a movie ticket because we bought the magazines ourselves... Maybe I should have sent myself an e-mail to another personal e-mail account and then, ordered that way...

Now, it gets better... If you send e-mails to TONS of people and have several people get subscriptions, you could win $200 for yourself you use however you'd like! Not only will the fundraisers (whichever ones you determine you want the money to go to) get lots of money from the sales of the subscriptions, but you will make money, too!

$200 for the top magazine seller of the month
How: Sell the most magazine subscriptions among all participating groups for the month Quantity: One $200 cash prize per month
When: Each month until December 2009

Now that the holidays are coming up, this is a little easier to sell. There is a magazine for everyone, and all it takes is just telling people about it!

1 comment:

Kate said...

This is great! I will be buying a few for myself and family members for Christmas. Great selection