Sunday, April 11, 2010

Summer Reading Package Received- Susana in Mexico

A post from Sara S:

Hello everyone! This is 3-year-old Susana, the youngest member of my sponsorship family. She's also one of the newest members of the family. I've only been sponsoring her about 6 months. She caught my eye because she has my birthday and a name very similar to my sister's. She lives in Mexico with her parents and two older sisters. I sent her a Summer Reading Package with dolls for all three girls and books that the family may be able to read to Susana.

The thank you letter, written by Susana's mom, reads:
"Thank you for the package you sent for my daughter Susana. She loves the Barbie dolls and the doll that is her baby. She's growing and learning more and she speaks better. On her birthday I bought her clothes and for dinner I cooked "tamales." She likes to play with her toy tea set, color and play with dolls. She also wants me to comb her hair with small rubber bands so she can look pretty. Thank you for sponsoring my daughter. Sincerely, her mom Primiana"

1 comment:

Shay said...

She is very cute and looks like a little girl that I use to sponsor from Guatemala. Thanks for sharing and God bless.