We currently have 3 fundraisers going. One is VERY close to completion, and two need approximately $250 a piece. In order to get these funded, I am offering another two part raffle (like the one I did today). For this raffle, you may donate to any of the 3 fundraisers. Donations must be received by Friday at 3PM CST to qualify for the raffle. $1 = 1 raffle ticket.
Being raffled off is a digital camera for your sponsor child (it must be for a country with an upcoming shipment). This one is for the boys- I have 2 of the Batman cameras shown in the upper left hand corner. My girls will be drawing the names of two different people on Friday at 3:05PM CST. To enter the raffle, here are the fundraiser links below:
Fundraiser #18~ Is in need of $246.84 to be complete. To make a donation click here
Fundraiser #19~Is in need of $86 to be complete. To make a donation click here
Fundraiser #21~ Is in need of $268 to be complete. To make a donation click here
The second and last thing I want to address is there are a few people with fundraisers coming up that have not donated their 25% yet. I want to remind everyone that if your turn for a fundraiser comes up, and you have not yet donated your 25%, your fundraiser will be bumped. I just can not remind and prod everyone enough because when the time comes for your fundraiser, I know you will be disappointed that you were bumped. I was sending e-mails to remind people, but really everyone should know how much they have contributed & be participating if they want their fundraiser to take place. I understand financial hardship, I can promise you that. Some times we just do not have money to give. However, most of you have been on the list waiting for your fundraiser to start for months now. All you have to do is donate $2 here and $5 there. Little by little it adds up. If your fundraiser gets bumped 5 times, I will remove you from the list. This gives the people that are actively participating a bump forward on the list. If you decide later to do a fundraiser, you can request another one. However, you will have to donate the 25% first.
Here is the list of the next three fundraisers upcoming:
22. Holly~ Maria
23. Tamara~ Rosalie
24. Cherise~ Sabrata in India
Cherise, do you have the breakdown of Sabrata's needs? Please send me that along with pictures ASAP.
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