When Mwanza's parents passed away, their relatives came to take everything the kids had in their home. They lost all of their furniture and almost every possession they had. They didn't even leave them a scrap of food to eat!!
The children had been struggling on their own before Children International found them. Now, they receive the benefits of sponsorship. All 5 children are able to go to school!!! They even receive meals through CI. They have come a long way from where they were 3 years ago!
Mwanza and his 4 brothers and sisters are still living on their own. CI is looking further in to how the family can be helped. I am hoping that they can start an income generating business, so that they won't have to go into the streets begging. A response should come back from the field within the next few weeks.
$512 has already been raised for the family. This will help fulfill their special needs request when it comes in. Their fundraiser will hopefully be enough for the children to start their own business & provide a bike to transport the goods back and forth for selling.
Here is the letter I just received from Mwanza:
Dear Heather
I am greeting you with much pleasure. I and my family, we are all right. I have received your nice letter and have heard your message. It's almost 1 kilometer from my school to my house, and 1 1/2 kilometers to our market. I do not have a bike. I have received your hugs and kisses. Thanks very much!
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