Monday, January 4, 2010

To Help Maria & Ullysette

We are SO close to getting Robyn's fundraiser completed! We only need $145 more!!! Dana has donated an item in order to pull in a $80 donation!! Thank you so much, Dana!!

Now, I have something else to pull in a few more donations. I have this Barbie Kelly doll. She is an angel with brown hair and brown eyes. I have 2 of them! They are available on a first come first served basis. They can be given to any sponsor child that is in the CI program. The doll will be shipped to the child at the time a package is sent to that community center for the summer reading program. To get one for your child, all you have to do is donate $10 to Robyn's fundraiser. The first two people to donate $10 (or one person to donate $20), send me your sponsor child's info, so that I can get the dolls to them (the dolls each include a small comb to comb the doll's hair).

Here is the link for the fundraiser:

1 comment:

2raine said...

It's very temped but I am short for cash good luck