Monday, January 18, 2010

The Preschool Group~ Help for Haiti Part 4

Djefson Voltaire, age 3
Djethly Saint-Fard, age 3
Frantzley Joseph, age 3
Gidensen Michel, age 3
Loubentz Amboise, age 3
Nasly Fleurimond, age 3
Stevenson Oscar, age 3
Djivens Moise, age 4
Givensly Etienne, age 4
Mivinsqui Jeune, age 4
*Pictures removed because most of the children now have sponsors!!

The pictures of these little ones always make me laugh! I imagine the volunteers as they tried to coax the children into sitting still for a picture. Some of the children look terrified, others defiant, and others just happy to have a lollipop! So funny to me!

Imagine what these children have already been through in their short lives, and it is unsetting. Haiti has been the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere for hundreds of years. They never seem to be able to pull out of that place marker.

One reason Haiti has remained so poor for so long is because of the natural disasters. Imagine building your home, planting a garden, starting to raise your family... Then, in October 2007, Tropical Storm Noel sends a mudslide & floods to wipe out your home & crops! You start again as soon as the flood waters recede, you begin planting your crops & building your home again. By August and September 2008, 3 hurricanes and a tropical storm come through to destroy it all again!! How frustrating that must be for the people of Haiti!

I can't even imagine how the people of Haiti are feeling now- 6 days after an earthquake levelled most of the buildings and homes in and around Port-au-Prince, killing thousands! What would if feel like to be one of the injured waiting on treatment? What would it feel like to be one of the mothers with no food to feed their children? Close your eyes and put yourself in Haiti right at this moment...

Then, open your eyes, look at the children, and tell me who you can help.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart."~ Hellen Keller

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