You may need to look back at the post from earlier today, in order to know what I am talking about: http://childrenaretheworld.blogspot.com/2010/02/simple-puzzle-who-can-solve-it.html
Now try to follow me on the answer- Lisa received the picture of annual photo of "Brayan" when she began sponsoring him at the beginning of January. She asked for pictures of Brayan with his family, and none of the boys look like the picture of "Brayan". The older child with the red shirt is definitely older than 3, but he does have the protruding ears... The younger one looks MUCH smaller than "Brayan" in the annual photo... Lisa and I were discussing back and forth which one of the boys was actually Brayan. We couldn't conclude that either of them were. The best plan of action at that point is to contact CI!
Lisa contacted Greg who sent a message to the field office in Barranquilla. The answer was astounding- Not only was the annual picture NOT the Brayan that she has been sponsoring, but he isn't related to Brayan at all... Which now makes a person think, since you have formed a bond with a picture of a child that is not your sponsor child (but you thought it was), should you take him as a sponsor child as well!?! What would you do?
By the way, her sponsor child Brayan is the one in the green shirt.
I was very surprised. Also thankful that I got the family photos. Otherwise who knows when I would have known!
The ability to afford both would be the issue for me but I mentioned to Lisa that I would love to co-sponsor the little boy in the blue and yellow if he is available. How about a group sponsorship? Any takers? He is a cutie. God bless.
Unfortunately I heard back from Greg and there is no way for him to look up who the original little boy is :-(
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