Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Summer Reading Package~ Mexico

Susana M A's items (above) & (below)

Perla Esmeralda C L's items (above) & Fabiola & Alejandra A C's items (below)

Paola M A's items (above) & Brayan C L's items (below)

I know everyone is anxious to see the packages, so I just doing this as quickly as I can. I have eliminated the sponsor's names where I ID'ed the items in these packages because it is easier that way (than to look through my e-mails to try to see who the sponsor of each of these children is). Take a look at the items and let me know if I have missed anyone or anything. If you want to include a letter, make sure to e-mail it to me by Wednesday night, so that I can get this package wrapped up. I will weight it at that time, and take a picture of the packaged box.

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