This book that I have shown above is called "Slave: My True Story" by Mende Nazer. I read this book about a year ago. It is about a child born in Sudan, and how she went from living with her family to being a slave. It is eye-opening! If you click on the link above, you can read the whole description on Amazon.com. This book was hard to put down. It will make you angry, no doubt.
This group is about making a change, and I want to introduce books that open your eyes to social issues. You can't change what you don't acknowledge or what you are not aware of.
So, now, what is the book club about? Here it is:
I am offering this book to whomever would like to read it. I will ship it to you, free of charge.
What's the catch? Well, after you are done reading the book, you are required to:
1. Talk back- tell the group what you thought of the book (without giving away the ending, or specific details that would ruin the experience for the next reader). I will post your opinion on the blog.
2. Ship the book to the next reader. (you will have to pay shipping to get it to the next reader, which would be somewhere around $2.50- It can ship via the media mail rate)
3. That's it!
If you are interested in reading this 1st book~ just post a comment stating your interest. It will go on first come first served. The first person to comment that they would like the book, will get the book 1st, then the 2nd person, 2nd, and so on.
You may, also, add a book to the book club, if you have a great book about social issues that you think others would enjoy. Just leave a comment & let me know. We can have several books rotating at a time.
i would be interested in doing this. Just as a side note, maybe you can get all the interest, get all the names, addy's, etc.. make a list that ships with the book.. then, when I get done reading it i can just go to the next name on the list and send it out, no need to ask about it again.. and then that person that gets it can mark their name off, read the book, and send to the next person..
That is a terrific idea!
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