Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Questionnaire for Spanish Speaking Children

I just realized I never posted the questionnaire for the Spanish speaking children!! I have sent these questions to all of my sponsor children and asked them to return it to me. Most of them fill them out (some do not). I have found it to be a wonderful tool in building an even stronger bond. Plus, if you plan to send them things, you will know, by reading their questionnaire, what they would enjoy most. Beware, however, that CI does not usually translate the answers into English for you. However, if you send yours out & receive it back, I am more than willing to translate it for you. Enjoy!

¡Sobre mi mismo!
Mi nombre________________

¡Mis Cosas Favoritas!
Mi libro favorito ________________________________________
Mi película favorita ______________________________________
Mi asignatura favorita_______________________________
Mi color favorito ________________________________________
Mi canción favorita ______________________________________
Mi programa de televisión favorito ___________________________
Mi comida favorita______________________________________
Mi persona famosa favorita ________________________________
Mi deporte favorito ______________________________________
Mi animal favorito _______________________________________

Mi pasatiempo favorito ___________________________________
En mi tiempo libre me gusta ________________________________________________

No me olvide de cuando ________________________________________________________
Una memoria especial: __________________________________________________________
Un momento comico: _______________________________________________________________


melinda85 said...

Thanks so much for posting this!

Lisa said...

Thank you! I am going to print this out and put it in my Easter packages!

Unknown said...

Thanks for this! Ill send this in my next letters!