Enouse Dorvil, age 10, is in the 3rd level in Ouvray
Here are some of the older children ages 5 to 10. You may notice that some of the children, even at age 9, are in the preschool class. Unlike school here in the US, it is not free to go to school in Haiti. Well, I take that back, there are SOME free schools in Haiti, but there are not enough public schools for all of the children to attend. About 10% of Haitian children attend state-funded public schools. The other 90% have to find an education elsewhere! This being said, the 9 year old child who is just now getting the opportunity to go to school via sponsorship, starts in the preschool class. They have to start at the beginning level in order to get them up to speed. Unlike the US, this is not unusual, so there are usually other children their same age in the class (as well as the younger ages).
While it is sad to imagine that a 9 year old has to be in the preschool class with 4 year olds, it is sadder to imagine the child never getting a chance to go to school at all!
If you would like to sponsor one of these children for just 22 cents a day, please send an e-mail to Jamie at jamie@hishandsforhaiti.org Remember that 100% of your donation goes directly to Haiti! Jamie does not make one penny! This self-less woman just wants to provide an education and a meal to the children of Haiti.
If the child is in Danda, they can be added to this list to get goat. Right now, we only need one more beanie baby to sell to be able to provide the first child with their goat (it has to be one of the beanie babies in the web-store under the listing of the multi-colored crab)!!
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