"Meet Anthony!
This little guy is the newest addition to my sponsor family. And he has to be my last for a while! There is a little story as to how I ended up with Anthony.
I logged into my account today to see which sponsorship dues I had to pay yet. Well when I logged in I saw Anthony's name and I thought 'who the heck is he?'. I knew I didn't add a little boy! I fell in love with his little face. So as I was looking at his information a light bulb went off in my head! I noticed his last name. When I started sponsoring Jessica, Chrystal had sent me the family photos of Jessica that she had. There was a little boy in the pictures which is a cousin who lives with her. I had asked Greg if he was sponsored. He wasn't in the program so Greg had said he would see if they wanted to sign him up. I had forgotten all about it since I didn't hear anything else!
Apparently he just turned 2 last week and they signed him up! So he got added to my account! Anyway he is adorable and I am thrilled!"
Oh, I saw his pic on the liftone site. He is a little cutie! Its gonna be soo fun watching him grow!
What a nice surprise!
What a little cutie and wonderful surprise! :)
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