Saturday, March 27, 2010

Summer Reading Package Received- Sandra in Colombia

I am very excited! This is the 2nd Summer Reading Package post with a thank you attached!!
Here is the post from Sara S:
Here are the Summer Reading Package pictures and thank you letter I received from Sandra M (as always, the M is a middle initial ... ) in Colombia. Sandra is 14 years old. Her letter reads:

“Receive cordial greetings. This is to thank you for the package you sent me: the books and the candies. Thanks a lot for being so special to me and help me improve my quality of life. I tell you that I am very well and I like to play. My favorite subject is math. I have many friends. I have a nephew and I like to play with him. My favorite pet is rabbit. I am doing well in school. I always stand between third and fourth. I am very studious and like to share with my friends. I thank God for putting you on my path. I thank you so much for sending me this gift. I will keep it so much. I will always think of you. I fondly say goodbye with hugs and kisses.”

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Yeah how cool to see all this after all your hard work!